

Hello everyone, we are still blogging about our beauty. Who doesn't know what honey is? Of course we all know. This liquid from bees often complements food and drinks around us. Some mix honey in cake, some mix honey in soy milk and various other creations. But you know, that honey is also beneficial for enhancing one's beauty, or simply using honey as a form of skin care so that it still looks beautiful and healthy.

The focus of our discussion this time is the benefits and benefits contained in honey for skin beauty. Here's the explanation ...

Benefits of Honey for Your Skin Beauty

1. As a Face Mask 

If you have large facial pores as well as dry facial skin. You can apply honey in your home as a beauty mask. The method is very easy. Wash your book with clean water, then wipe it with a towel or tissue. After that spread the honey evenly on your face, and leave it for about half an hour. When finished, rinse your face with warm water. Done!

2. Disguising Acne Scars 

After washing your face before going to bed, you can take a little honey and apply acne scars using small cotton. No need to worry if you fall asleep after applying honey. Because honey is safe to apply throughout the night.

3. Bathing Mixture

During the rainy season, the weather and temperature will drop dramatically to cool. You can mix honey with warm water to soak (15 minutes). Soaking in this way will help release cells from dead skin from your body.

4. Moisturize the skin 

One of the special abilities possessed by honey is the ability to bind water. Using honey as a treatment on the face is a solution for those of you who experience dry skin problems. It's easy, take enough honey and add 2 tablespoons of milk. Stir until mixed. Then apply the milk honey to the face evenly and let stand about 10 minutes. Finally, rinse your face with clean, warm water.  Honey can you also benefit to moisturize your dry lips.

So first ladies, reviews about the benefits of honey for beauty and skin care. Hopefully it will be useful for you. And don't forget to share this article if you think it's useful.

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