
7 Benefits of Potatoes for Our Health

Has a delicious taste, making potatoes quite popular in various countries, as a source of carbohydrate intake. Not only does it have a delicious taste, potatoes are also easy to process as appetizers or desserts. And what's more special is the vitamin content found in potatoes. On this occasion we will discuss the benefits of potatoes for health.

7 Benefits of Potatoes for Our Health

1. Reducing the risk of cancer
Potatoes are tubers that are rich in carotenoids, flavonoids and phenolic acids. These three compounds act as antioxidants and prevent free radicals from entering the body. With the inhibition of free radicals entering the body, it will reduce the risk of developing cancer.

A study conducted by nutrition and Cancer shows that antioxidants in potatoes can suppress the growth of liver and colon cancer cells.

2. Controlling Blood Sugar Levels
If you are a person with diabetes, potatoes can be an alternative source of carbohydrate intake. A study in Medicine (Baltimore) 2015 conducted on people who have type two diabetes, showed that after eating foods with resistant starch, blood sugar proved to be more stable. You need to know, resistant starch is a source of starch derived from potatoes which is believed according to scientists, can improve the performance of insulin, controlling blood sugar hormones, becoming more optimal.

3. Improve the digestive system

Besides being beneficial for controlling blood sugar, the content of resistant starch also has an indirect relationship with digestive health, such as reducing the risk of inflammation of the intestines, reducing the risk of colorectal cancer, and helping to cure intestinal infections.

4. Maintaining Blood Pressure
Not only is it beneficial for the digestive system, potatoes also contain potassium which is very important to maintain the stability of blood pressure. The amount of potassium contained in potatoes exceeds the amount of potassium contained in bananas. The Institute for Food Research also said that, potatoes contain chemicals called kukoamines, which have a relationship in lowering blood pressure.

5. Maintain a healthy nervous system and brain function
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, vitamin B6 contained in potatoes can produce serotonin, dopamine, and noreprinefrin, which plays an important role in maintaining a healthy nervous system. This research also proves that consuming potatoes can reduce a person's stress level. And potassium serves to widen blood vessels so that blood circulation to the brain will remain smooth.

6. Maintaining Bone Health
Besides potassium, potatoes also contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. All of these minerals plays an important role in maintaining health and forming bone structure and strength.

7. Increase Hemoglobin Levels
If you experience symptoms of anemia or low hemoglobin levels, eating potatoes can be an alternative to increasing red blood cells. Because, besides calcium, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium, potatoes are also rich in iron which is useful for producing red blood cells.

That's all our discussion about the benefits of potatoes for health, hopefully useful.

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