
The Benefits of Fruit Salads for Health and Beauty


Usually consumed in the form of juice, it turns out that there are other ways to enjoy the benefits of fruit. Maybe we often hear about vegetable salads, but do you know? That fruit salad turned out to be there too. Easy way to serve and taste delicious, making fruit salads quite popular lately.

But there are still many who doubt fruit salad as a healthy diet menu. They reason that the sugar content in fruit is not good for health. Please note, that excess sugar is indeed not good for health, and is one of the causes of diabetes. However, the harmful sugar (glucose) content here is sugar, rock sugar, palm sugar, syrup, and all foods that contain artificial sweeteners. While the sugar content in fruit is fructose. And fructose is only dangerous if consumed in very large quantities. And it's very impossible to consume large amounts of fructose from fruit salads.

The Benefits of Fruit Salads for Health and Beauty

Eating a fruit salad has enormous benefits for the body as a whole. Inside there are fibers, vitamins, proteins, minerals and antioxidants. The following below is a little explanation about the benefits of vitamins and minerals contained in fruit salads.

a. Vitamin A
Vitamin A is divided into two types: the first is retinoid, this retinoid is a group of vitamin A derived from animal products. The second is beta-carotene, beta carotene is a group of vitamin A sourced from plants. Vitamin A has many functions, including maintaining eye health and treating skin beauty.

b. Vitamin B1
This vitamin is commonly called thiamine. And has the function of changing carbohydrate intake into energy. Besides that vitamin B1 is also useful for treating the functions of the nervous system, heart and muscles to work properly. Not only that, vitamin B1 also plays an important role in preventing beriberi disease and increasing endurance.

C. Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 is known as pantothenic acid. This vitamin is soluble in water. Besides functioning to break down carbohydrates into energy, this vitamin is also responsible for breaking down protein and fat. In addition, vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid also functions to maintain brain performance, steroid hormones and produce red blood cells.

D. Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is also called pyridoxine. which plays an important role in maintaining the health of the brain and nervous system. In addition, vitamin B6 can reduce the risk of heart disease, improve mood, increase appetite and maintain endurance.

E. Vitamin C
Besides being able to prevent cancer, vitamin C also helps collagen formation which is useful for maintaining skin beauty.

F. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is involved in many bodily processes and operates as a natural antioxidant that helps protect cell structures. Consume vitamin E will help rejuvenate the skin more optimally.

G. Potassium
A role is important in maintaining fluid balance in the body. Potassium also serves to maintain blood pressure, the function of muscles and nerves that control the heart.

H. Folic Acid
Folic acid is a protein compound that functions to form red blood cells and produce DNA. Besides that, folic acid plays an important role for the health of pregnant women to prevent disability in the baby conceived.

I. Manganese
In 1930 nutrition researchers determined: adults need about 15-20 milligrams of manganese a day. And between the functions of manganese for the body is to maintain bone health, ward off free radicals, help metabolism, help absorb vitamins, regulate glucose levels in the blood and so on.

Below are some types of fruits that are suitable for fruit salad:

  • Apple
  • Watermelon
  • Grape
  • Kiwi
  • Strawberry
  • Orange
  • Dragon fruit
  • Mango

That's our brief discussion about the benefits of fruit salads for health and beauty. May be useful.

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