
Causes Of Sagging Skin At A Young Age

Skin that is sagging in old age is a common thing. But what if the skin sags when we are young? Keep in mind that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is something that must be lived by anyone. Well yes, men, women, old, young, children, adults and anyone are obliged to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regarding sagging skin at a young age, of course there are many factors that cause it. And on this occasion, we will discuss several factors that can influence why sagging skin at a young age.

Causes Of Sagging Skin At A Young Age

1. Smoking
I think we all agree that smoking is bad for health. But you know, smoking is not only bad for health, but also has a fatal impact on our skin. Because the toxic substances found in cigarettes can damage blood vessels in the body, inhibit the absorption of oxygen, and prevent the entry of nutrients into our bodies. If the circulation in our skin is blocked, then the skin will be damaged more quickly, and this is characterized by wrinkles and sagging skin. Therefore if you want healthy skin, leave cigarettes from now on.

2. Directly exposed to sunlight
It's true, the sun in the morning contains vitamin D which is good for our bones. But you have to be careful about the sun before noon. Because, exposure to sunlight that is too long and at the wrong time can be a cause of skin cancer and premature aging. And among the characteristics of the skin that experiences premature aging, is the appearance of fine lines on the face, wrinkles and sagging skin.

3. Stress
In addition to influencing the health of the mind and soul, excessive stress can affect the health of our skin. Therefore, from now on it's smart to process emotions. Avoid and stay away from causes of stress. Create a regular exercise schedule that you can do. Because, in addition to healthy body, exercise can also relieve stress and burden of the mind.

4. Frequent Exposure To Pollution
One skin expert said: too frequent contact with polluted air can increase the risk of premature aging. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and being in an environment with clean air is the best solution for those who want to maintain healthy skin.

5. Poor Diet
Too high sugar intake, consuming too much salt, and irregular exercise can cause the skin to lose its elasticity. From now on, pay attention to what you consume, not to over-sugar and over-consume salt.

6. Using Wrong Products
The amount of cosmetics that appear and are played with beautiful models, makes us who see it to believe that if we use these products we will also be beautiful as the model in the ad. Wait a minute don't rush to believe!
One thing we need to realize, almost all the cosmetics in circulation are processed or mixed with chemicals. You must be more careful in using it. Because the chemicals are not all acceptable to all skin types. If you impose a product that does not fit your skin, the risk of damaged skin must be ready for you. Start selectively in choosing products that are suitable for your skin.

7. Dehydration
You need to know that inside the skin there is an organic compound that forms the structure of our skin.
This compound is called collagen. And do you know that most of this collagen is water. When the body lacks fluids or dehydration, collagen will break and accumulate. Where is this condition that will cause our skin to wrinkle and sag. Therefore consider the consumption of your water, do not let collagen in your body break and accumulate, causing you to look older than your actual age.

8. Pay attention to vitamin intake
We need to know, maintaining a diet is not just regulating the portion of the calories we consume. Maintaining a diet means we also have to pay attention to the value of vitamin intake that enters our body. Vitamin C and vitamin E are two vitamins that play an important role in maintaining the elasticity of our skin. You can get both of these vitamins by consuming fruits such as oranges and avocados.

that's some of the factors that you need to consider to maintain the skin's elasticity and of course to avoid facial wrinkles at an early age. Don't forget to share this article if you feel helped by it. Thank you!

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