
7 Benefits of Vegetable Salads for Skin Health and Beauty

Simple and rich in benefits, that's the perfect sentence to describe vegetable salads. Alloys of various types of vegetables come together. High in fiber and rich in vitamins. Filling and not fattening, that's a vegetable salad. On this occasion, we will discuss the benefits of vegetable salads for health and beauty.

Before continuing with the contents of the discussion, you need to know a little history of the origin of salads.

Origin of the word Salad
The word "salad" comes from French salade, the same meaning, from Latin salata (salty), from sal (salt). In English, the word that first appears as "salad" or "sallet" existed in the 14th century.

Salt is associated with vegetable salads, because salads are often seasoned with salt water or salted oil and vinegar dressing during Roman times. The use of salad first appeared in American England in 1976.

So that's a bit of a brief history of the origin of salads.

7 Benefits of vegetable salads for skin health and beauty

1. Reducing cholesterol levels
Cholesterol levels that are too high in the body, will invite various diseases, such as carotid artery disease, peripheral arterial disease, and stroke. And consuming vegetable salads, can be one menu, you have to try. Because a combination of various kinds of vegetables will give you many benefits ranging from vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. All these important ingredients are very good for keeping cholesterol levels balanced.

2. Prevent Cancer
If you make a salad by mixing tomatoes, you will get enough lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant group, which can prevent and slow down certain types of cancer. Researchers at the University of Portsmouth, UK, reported that lycopene is beneficial for inhibiting the growth of breast cancer cells and prostate cancer. The benefits of lycopene in prostate cancer research are also found by other studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, after involving 46,000 men who were asked to consume tomato sauce.

3. Prevent Premature Aging
If you want to always look young, regular exercise and consuming salads are the right choice. In addition to preventing cancer, antioxidants also plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin to remain supple and elastic. Immediately consume salad from now on.

4. Rejuvenating the Skin
The content of vitamins contained in vegetable salads is very useful to brighten the skin, rejuvenate and help remove scars.

5. Maintaining Heart Health
Some types of vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, mustard greens, turnips, Swiss chard, broccoli, etc., are very good for maintaining heart health. Adding these vegetables to your salad menu will make your heart healthier.

6. Overcoming Inflammation
Inflammation experienced by the body is one thing that usually happens, as a form of reaction to the immune system against attacking threats. However, if inflammation occurs in excess it will certainly disrupt the health and immune system. By consuming vegetable salads, the body will get a high intake of vitamins and antioxidants that are useful as an immune system booster in the body. So that the inflammation that occurs will be cured faster.

7. Eliminating wrinkles and spots on the face
In addition to curing scars, the content of vitamin A and vitamin E in vegetable salads is useful for regenerating our skin. Remove wrinkles and help disguise black spots on the skin.

That's all our discussion this time, about the benefits of vegetable salads for health and beauty. Continue to follow our discussion, still about health and beauty every day. May be useful.

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