
5 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Acne with Natural Ingredients


For some people, acne on the face is something that is very disturbing. Many of those who lose confidence are caused by pimples on their face. Therefore, on this occasion we will discuss the simple ways to get rid of acne with natural ingredients.

 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Acne with Natural Ingredients

1. Using Garlic
Contains sulfur, antioxidants, anti-fungal, antiviral and antiseptic, making garlic one of the main weapons to deal with acne quickly. How to use it is fairly simple. You just need to take 1 piece of garlic and then wash it. Cut the garlic in half. Then take one of them and apply it slowly in the area of pimples. Then let stand about 20 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water.

2. Using Lemon Juice
The content of ascorbic acid found in lemons can overcome skin inflammation problems such as acne. And in another study said that lemon juice is also useful for removing acne scars. You just need to apply lemon juice using cotton, in the area with acne. Then let stand about 20 minutes. Then wash your face using warm water.

3. Using Pure Honey
The next way is to use pure honey. Remember once again we use pure honey, because there is a lot of circulating fake honey on the market. You need to know, that pure honey contains antibacterial which serves to heal wounds and eliminate acne. You just need to apply pure honey to the area with acne and let it sit for about 20 minutes. After that, rinse your face using warm water.

4. Using Aloe Vera
You need to know in aloe vera contained active compounds called polyphenols. These polyphenols have many benefits, ranging from reducing the risk of heart disease, blood vessels, cancer and including reducing or alleviating inflamed acne. How to use aloe vera is also very easy. Wash an aloe vera clean. Then peel the outer shell. After that, use the Jelly inside to apply it to the area with acne. Let stand about 20 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

5. Using Green Tea
You need to know, green tea is high in antioxidants such as enzymes, amino acids, and polyphenols. Which of these has special benefits for maintaining healthy skin, including relieving inflamed acne. How to apply green tea for facial care is fairly simple.

- Take two bags of green tea
- Boil green tea as a way to make tea as usual
- After the cooking water changes color, Let stand for a moment until it turns warm
- After boiling green tea warms up, use the water to gently massage the face. Massage your face with a gentle circular motion. Then let stand about 20 minutes.
- after it's done rinse your face with clean cold water.

Those are some simple ways you can use to get rid of pimples on your face. As usual, don't forget to share, if you feel helped by this article. thanks.

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