
5 Natural Hair Masks That You Can Make At Home


Beautiful and healthy hair is the dream of everyone, especially women. But to get healthy and beautiful hair is not easy as we think. There are so many factors that can affect hair health. Starting from lifestyle, food intake, to wrong care. On this occasion we will discuss how to make natural hair masks. By using natural hair masks that we can make at home, we get two benefits at once. First, our hair gets enough nutrition and secondly, we can save money on hair care.

5 Natural Hair Masks That You Can Make At Home

1. Aloe Vera Mask
Aloe Vera has the effect of improving blood circulation on the scalp. The content of proteolytic enzymes on aloe vera is useful for cleaning dead skin cells on the scalp.

Material and how to make it:

  • Provide aloe vera,
  • Clean wash
  • Peel the skin
  • And directly apply to the hair
  • Perform massage on the scalp
  • Let stand for 30 minutes
  • Rinse with water until clean

2. Honey Milk Mask
Not only healthy to drink, we can also use milk to treat hair health. The content of vitamins and proteins contained in milk is proven to be able to nourish it to the roots of the hair. Likewise honey, it contains vitamins, proteins, natural antioxidants, antibacterial, antiseptic and various other nutrients that have properties to treat the beauty and health of hair.

Material and how to make it:

  • Provide 100 ml of pure milk and 1 tablespoon of pure honey
  • Mix the two ingredients and mix well
  • Rub the ingredients into the hair evenly while massaging
  • Let stand for 20 minutes
  • Rinse with shampoo until clean.

3. Egg White Mask
Usually used for skin beauty treatment, it turns out that egg whites also have properties to treat hair health. The content of omega 3 in egg white helps the process of hair rejuvenation, and is able to eliminate dandruff.

Material and how to make it:

  • Provide chicken eggs, just take the egg whites
  • Apply evenly to the hair while massage the scalp
  • Let stand for about 15 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water and shampoo until it is completely clean.

4. Avocado Mask
Usually consumed in the form of juices, avocados contain nutrients that are very beneficial for the health of the body. But do you know? Besides being beneficial for body health, avocados also have properties to overcome various kinds of hair health problems. Because, in this fruit contains vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K, which is useful for treating hair health.

Material and how to make it;

  • Provide one ripe avocado
  • Wash it thoroughly, take the meat, and puree
  • Apply evenly to moistened hair first
  • Let stand for 20 minutes, rinse with water until clean.

5. Strawberry Masks
Strawberry is rich in vitamin C, which is beneficial for hair health. Like, prevent hair loss, eliminate dandruff, moisturize the hair, and regenerate the scalp.

Material And How to make it:

  • Provide enough fresh strawberries, blender until smooth
  • Add honey or coconut oil
  • Mix ingredients to form like pasta
  • Apply thoroughly to the hair, let stand 20 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water until clean.

That's 5 ingredients of hair masks that you can make at home. First of all our brief discussion, also read other articles about beauty and health. Thank you and see you again.

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