
4 Natural Facial Masks For Beautiful Skin Care


There are many benefits that we can get by using a natural face mask. Starting from removing dead skin cells, disguising acne scars, disguising dark circles around the eyes, shrinking pores, tightening the skin. And much more. On this occasion we will discuss about 4 natural face masks for beautiful skin care

4 Natural Facial Masks For Beautiful Skin Care

1. Combination of Avocados with Honey

The benefits of avocados to treat skin beauty have no doubt. Vitamin E contained in it is very useful to be an antioxidant so that the skin always looks youthful. So is honey. Besides being beneficial to be a natural moisturizer of the face, honey also has other benefits such as removing dead skin cells, removing blackheads, disguising black spots, shrinking facial pores and much more.

To make a mask with a combination of avocado and honey it's very easy.

First, take 5 tablespoons of avocado and then crush until smooth.

Second, pour 2½ tablespoons of honey into a container containing avocado.

Third, mix or stir the avocado and honey evenly.

Fourth, put the finished mask into the refrigerator.

After 2 hours you can remove it from the refrigerator and the mask is ready to use

2. Combination of Yogurt and Strawberry

Yogurt is believed to be able to moisturize the skin, remove dead skin cells, reduce facial spots, overcome sunburned skin and much more. Likewise strawberries, the vitamin content in them is able to brighten up a dull face, brightens black lips, prevents zits and so on. By combining yogurt and strawberry into a face mask is the right choice. How to make it is very easy.

First, wash the strawberries that you have, and take them to taste.

Second, puree strawberries using a blender.

Third, after smooth strawberries mix with the yogurt you have provided.

Once the ingredients are mixed evenly, you can use the strawberry yogurt mask directly. No need to worry, this mixture of natural ingredients is safe to use for all skin types.

3. Combination of Honey and Papaya

The benefits of honey certainly have no doubt in the world of beauty. But you know that papaya also has benefits that are not inferior to honey. Starting from brightening skin tone, moisturizing, preventing aging, reducing acne, disguising blemishes, and removing fine hair on the face. You can get all these benefits from papaya. The way to make papaya honey masks is very easy.

First, of course you have to have honey and papaya.

Second, cut the papaya into several small sizes.

Third, put the papaya into pieces in a blender.

Fourth, add enough honey to the blender.

Fifth, after papaya and honey are put into a blender. Turn on the blender and let the papaya and honey mix until blended.

After mixing, the mask is ready to use. Apply on face for 30 minutes. Then after that you can rinse your face with clean, warm water.

4. Cucumber Mask

Using cucumber is the simplest way to make a natural face mask. Simple but does not mean it has no benefits. Starting from shrinking the pores, treating sensitive facial skin, brightening the skin, to prevent premature aging can be done by this cucumber. Making cucumber masks is also very easy. No special tricks are needed to mix it. You just wash the cucumber clean. Then cut it as thin as paper. After you cut it thinly, you can immediately put the cucumber sheet on your face. Use this cucumber mask for about 30 minutes.

Once it's dry, you can immediately pull the cucumber sheet, then wash your face with clean water.

That is our discussion this time around 4 natural face masks for your beautiful skin care. May be useful. And don't forget to share this article if you feel helped by it.

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