
Benefits of Lime for Facial Skin

Hello ladies, who doesn't want to look beautiful and healthy? Bright and fresh white skin is certainly the dream of every woman in all parts of the world, especially in Asia. Allah created the earth with all its facilities in a very complete way. Including this one fruit. LIME Of course you know lime fruit right? Small fruits and acids are commonly used as a complement or part of spices. Starting from soto, sambal, soup, and other dishes. But knowing that there is no small fruit, it turns out that it has an important role for you to be able to look beautiful optimally. How come I can? Very can, because in the Lime fruit there is a vitamin content that can help you to look more beautiful than usual. How can? See the explanation below.

Benefits of Lime for Facial Skin

1. Helps Eliminate Acne 

Have small pimples or are you big? Did you know that one of the factors that cause acne on the face is the result of the buildup of dead skin cells. You can solve this problem just by mixing between honey and lime. It's easy, take 1 medium lime, then prepare honey. After two ingredients are available. Squeeze the lime and mix it with 2 tablespoons of honey. Stir until well blended. Then apply the mixture to your face, let stand for about 14 minutes. After that, wash face with warm water gently. Dry your face with a clean towel. Finish ... Now your face will look fresher and radiant. Perform this step regularly so that the results obtained can be more maximal.

2. Brightening the Face 

Did you know that dead skin cells that are not completely detached can affect the brightness contrast of your face? Some of us really need some special ingredients so that our faces can look bright and radiant. Be thankful for the lime. Take 1 lime and split it into 2 parts. Apply the lime on your face slowly. After that, don't forget to apply the honey evenly. Let stand a few minutes, then wash with clean water. Don't forget to take a tissue to dry your face. This method is very useful for releasing dead skin cells from your face, while nourishing your skin with vitamin C content to fight the bad effects of free radicals on your skin.

3. Prevent Premature Aging

 The amount of pollution from motor vehicles and factories no longer allows comfortable living with clean air. The sun's rays are increasingly stinging and free radicals threaten our skin and body health all the time. LINE ORANGE is in the middle of us as a fruit hero. In addition, this small fruit is cheap and easy to obtain, its efficacy in treating skin is proven to be effective. Pollution and free radicals that cause problems of premature aging, as if a little tackled by doing lime treatment. The method is very easy. Combine lime juice and honey. Apply to face evenly. Let stand for a moment then rinse your face with warm water. After that, dry the face with a clean cloth or facial tissue. This treatment will prevent premature aging with a note that it must be done routinely and not excessive.    Benefits of Bengkoang for Your Skin Beauty  So many explanations from us about the benefits of lime for facial skin, look forward to other useful articles which of course are still around Beauty and Health.

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